Happy Hour in Wigan
If you wonder why an old fashioned socialist like Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected leader of the Labour Party you could pay a visit to the deindustrialised North. George Orwell learned a lot up here in 1936. Eighty years later many in Wigan are waiting for „Socialism of the 21st century“ to arrive.
British author and artist Edmund de Waal about the obsession with porcelain, Austria and his international bestseller „The Hare with the Amber Eyes“.
Instead of profiting from a chaotic government situation after Britain’s Brexit vote on June 23rd the Labour party is about to destroy itself. Jeremy Corbyn seeks re-election as leader.
This is an updated English translation of an article which appeared in profil.
If you would be a left wing British leader of the opposition and you would want to show the world the deplorable consequences of neoliberalism, what would you do? On his way to a campaign meeting in Newcastle Jeremy Corbyn threw himself last month on the floor of a train and complained that there were not enough free seats for him and his entourage to sit on. In his view this was clearly caused by the privatization of British Railways.
High hopes: #hugabrit with Joe & Caitie - who founded creative lab Fancylamps - on June 18th.
How #hugabrit tried to convince the British people to stay in the European Union. And failed.
(updated English version of a text published in German in Cicero and Die Furche)
Murder victim Jo Cox on The Guardian cover: A country in shock
The best and the worst British traditions come to show in these last days of panic before Britain holds a referendum about the membership in the European Union.
The Three Brexiteers as photoshopped by The Sun
Three weeks to go to the EU referendum in Britain on June 23 and the Conservative party is close to explosion.