Why are female leaders particularly good at managing the Coronacrisis? Tessa Szyszkowitz talks to Avivah Wittenberg-Cox Wittenberg-Cox' recently published article on FORBES, „What do countries with the best coronavirus reactions have in common? Women Leaders“ is very worth reading. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox is a French-Canadian-Swiss author, coach and the CEO of 20-first, a global gender-balance consultancy. She works with the management of companies to achieve real gender balance by reframing the issue: on leadership, culture and systems. She has written a number of books, including "Seven Steps to Leading Gender-Balanced Businesses," and "Why Women Mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of Our Next Economic Revolution.” She is a speaker on leadership, 'gender bilingual' marketing and talent management, and career issues across the globe. She writes for FORBES and Harvard Business Review. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox believes that gender balance offers companies, countries and couples huge - and still untapped - benefits. In this first Philoxenia-Online Coronacast at Kreiskyforum we tackle the question: Why are female leaders often so good at managing a crisis? At this moment in time we can compare almost all countries on the globe as the Coronavirus attacks the entire world. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox explains, what Angela Merkel, Tsai Ing-Wen, Katrin Jacobsdottir and Erna Solberg got right.
Why are female leaders particularly good at managing the Coronacrisis? Tessa Szyszkowitz talks to Avivah Wittenberg-Cox Wittenberg-Cox' recently published article on FORBES, „What do countries with the best coronavirus reactions have in common? Women Leaders“ is very worth reading. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox is a French-Canadian-Swiss author, coach and the CEO of 20-first, a global gender-balance consultancy. She works with the management of companies to achieve real gender balance by reframing the issue: on leadership, culture and systems. She has written a number of books, including "Seven Steps to Leading Gender-Balanced Businesses," and "Why Women Mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of Our Next Economic Revolution.” She is a speaker on leadership, 'gender bilingual' marketing and talent management, and career issues across the globe. She writes for FORBES and Harvard Business Review. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox believes that gender balance offers companies, countries and couples huge - and still untapped - benefits. In this first Philoxenia-Online Coronacast at Kreiskyforum we tackle the question: Why are female leaders often so good at managing a crisis? At this moment in time we can compare almost all countries on the globe as the Coronavirus attacks the entire world. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox explains, what Angela Merkel, Tsai Ing-Wen, Katrin Jacobsdottir and Erna Solberg got right.